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The Gaeta Family Tree

Please use the forms below to add family member, update information on the site, make corrections, write essays, etc

The Family Correction Form may be used to add a new family member, add missing information, or make corrections to an existing family page. Please note the page number of the page you are referring to before you fill out this form.

The New Family Form may be used to make a new webpage for a newly created family or for one which isn't currently listed here. A new family is formed when there is a marriage or when a child is born to an unwed parent. This form may also be used to add a family to this site which is linked to another person on the site. You may use this form to extend the family tree to your in-laws if you wish as long as it is linked to a person or family already listed on the site.

The Biography Form may be used to provide detailed information about a family member. They may be alive or deceased. You may do one on yourself or on another individual. A biography page will be made for that individual, and if you provide the photos, it will be linked to a photo album of that person too. I'm also working on providing digital video clips on the site. So save your videos and old 8mm or 16mm film. They will have to be transferred to DVD in order to be used here. You should do that anyway if you want them to last.

Names Table Form: This form should be used to add or correct information on the "Names" table on page T1.

You can e-mail me at: with any other information or comments you have or if you don't like using forms. Send me your e-mail address so I can post it on the table of names page. If you would like to link this site to one you have, let me know. Please send updates as new members are added to your family or if you find additional information that's missing or needs to be corrected on any page on this site. Let me know if you find any links that don't work on any of the pages too.


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