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The Gaeta Family Tree

     Use this form to make a new Biography Page or to update or add information
to a Biography Page which already exists and to write Essays about this person.

     Note: If this is a biography for a living person, personal information such as
address and phone number is optional. Leave it blank if you do not
want that information to be included on the biography page.

Information About You:
Note: If you have already sent a form and we have this information already, just put your first and last name.

Your First Name:
Your Last Name:
Your Street Address:
Your City:
Your State:
Your Zip:
Your Country:
Your E Mail:
Your Phone:
Describe your relationship to this person:

Note: The information you provide above about yourself is only for my records and will not be put on this website.


Page Information:

What is the number of the Family Page this person is on?:  
If this is a new biography check here: 
If there is an existing Biography page, what is the Biography page number?:


Deceased Person

Note: If this person is not deceased, skip this section and go to " Living Person"

Deceased's First Name:
Deceased's Middle Name:
Deceased's Last Name:
Date of Birth:
Hospital or Street Address where born:
City of Birth:
State of Birth:
Country of Birth:
Died on:
Age at death:
Cause of Death:


Living Person

Note: If this person is deceased, skip this section and go to "childhood".
Personal information such as address and phone number is optional.
Leave it blank if you do not want that information
to be included on the biography page.

Living Person's First /Middle Name:
Living Person's Last Name:
Street Address:
E Mail:
Date of Birth:
Hospital or Street Address where born:
City of Birth:
State of Birth:
Country of Birth:

List this person's favorite websites or URL links if any:




List any childhood friends of this person: 

Describe some of the things this person enjoyed growing up such as sports, hobbies, etc:




High School:

Name of High School:
High School City:
High School State:
High School Country:
High School Friends:


Name of College:
College City:
College State:
College Country:
College Friends:

Post Graduate School:

Name of Post Graduate School:
Post Graduate School City:
Post Graduate School State:
Post Graduate School Country:
Degrees obtained above:



List any adult friends of this person :

Describe this person's main occupation. Describe any other occupations of this person:

What things does (did) this person enjoy doing as an adult?

If there is any other information about this person you have, add it here::


Essay Written by:

Type or copy and paste your essay here. Describe your relationship to this person, describe their life story, etc:



Thank you for taking the time to provide this information. The members of this family tree
are grateful for your help and future generations will thank you for it too.
Check to see if everything is correct and then click "submit from" below.

Click here to go back to the top of this page.


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