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The Gaeta Family Tree

Anna Fusco (F)  was married to Antonio Gianni  (M) on ???

Anna Fusco Gianni and Anthony Gianni


Their 10 children are:


Rose Gianni

F Born On ??? Born in ??? Biography ???



Francis Anthony Gianni

M Born On 8/25/1898 Born in Italy Biography

   (Note: Name changed to Frank Anthony Jiano on ???)         


Mary Gianni

F Born On ??? Born in ??? Biography ???



Millie Gianni (Carmell)

F Born On ??? Born in ??? Biography ???


Joseph Gianni

M Born On ??? Born in ??? Biography ???

Joseph died young as a result of mustard gas in WWII


John Anthony  Gianni

M Born On 3/15/1910 Born in ??? Biography



                           Photos above of John Anthony Gianni from left to right:
The first shows him as a young man during the depression. He was building ranger station log cabins at Grand Teton National Park, in Wyoming, as a member of the CCCs (Civilian Conservation Corps). The second was during WWII. and the third shows him fishing which is what he loved to do most. 


Helen Gianni

F Born On ??? Born in ??? Biography ???


Margie Gianni

F Born On ??? Born in ??? Biography ???

Tessie Gianni (Theresa)

F Born On ??? Born in ??? Biography ???

Anna Gianni

F Born On 05/19/1917 Born in ??? Biography ???


Family Photo

Back row...Anna Fusco Gianni, Anthony Gianni and Mary Gianni's husband, Joe
Front row...Millie Gianni, Anna Gianni and Mary Gianni


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